List of all Timeline of Indian History: 2500 BC-1947 AD

Dear Aspirants, this Article gives detailed information on an important Timeline of Indian History which includes Ancient India, Medieval India, and Modern India. These are important points for all competitive examinations. Other important history topics for the competitive exam are

Indian National Congress (INC) President List,

Complete List of Important Wars in Indian History: Battles

List of Viceroys of India (1858-14th Aug 1947)

Governor General of India list (1833 Act)

List of Governor General of Bengal

Timeline of Indian History:-Ancient Indian history(2500BC-1000AD) 


  • 2500-1500– Beginning of the Indus Valley civilization.
  • 1000-One of the earliest Holy scripture, Rig-Veda is composedIron age India was started during this time.
  • 750– Indo- Aryans rule over 16 Mahajanapadas (16 Great States)in northern India, from the Indus to the Ganges.
  • 600-The Upanishads are composed in Sanskrit.
  • 527– Prince Siddhartha Gautam attains enlightenment and becomes the Buddha.
  • 500– The ascetic prince Mahavira establishes Jainism in northern India.
  • 327– Alexander the Great of Macedonia invades the Indus valley, fights the famous Battle of the Hydaspes with porus.
  • 300– Ramayan, a famous epic is composed.
  • 273– Ashok the Great becomes the emperor of the Mauryan Empire.
  • 261– Kalinga war takes place between Ashoka and the kingdom of Kalinga.
  • 200– Mahabharat, another famous epic is composed.
  • 100– Bhagabat Gita is composed.


  • 50– Thomas, an apostle of Jesus, visit India.
  • 78AD– Begging of Saka Era.
  • 320– Chandragupta I ascend to the throne of the Gupta Empire.
  • 606– Harshavardhana crowned King.
  • 761– First Muslim, MD. Bin Qasim defeats King Dahir.
  • 997– Mahmud of Ghazni raids northern India.
  • 1000– Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni.
  • 1191– The first battle of Tarain fought between Ghauri and Prithviraj Chauhan and the latter is defeated by Mohammed Ghauri.
  • 1192– The Second battle of Tarain fought Ghauri and Prithviraj Chauhan.

Timeline of Indian History:-Medieval Indian History(1000AD-1600AD)

  • 1192Mohammad Ghori defeats Prithvi Raj, captures Delhi, and establishes a Muslim sultanate in Delhi.
  • 1206– The Ghurid prince Qutub-ud-din Aibak become the first sultan of Delhi.
  • 1290– Jalal ud-Din Firuz established the Khilji sultan in Delhi.
  • 1325– Muhammad bin Tughlaq becomes the sultan of Delhi.
  • 1345– Muslim Nobels revolt against Muhammad bin Tughalq and declare their independence from the Delhi sultanate. The Bahmani kingdom is established in the Deccan.
  • 1370– Vijayanagar kingdom takes over the Muslim sultanate of Madurai in Tamil Nadu.
  • 1490– Guru Nanak Dev established Sikhism and the city of Amritsar.
  • 1497– Babur, a ruler of Afghan, established the Mughal dynasty in India.
  • 1498– Vasco da Gama completed the first voyage in the sea route from Europe to India.
  • 1526– the First Battle of Panipat fought in which Babur defeats Ibrahim Lodhi and established the Mughal Dynasty.
  • 1530– Babar dies and his son Humayan succeeds as the next Mughal emperor.
  • 1540– Babur’s son Humayun loses the empire to Afghan leader Sher shah and goes into exile in Persia.
  • 1555– Mughal kind Humayun comes to fight Sher shah and regains India.

Modern History of India:(1600AD-1947AD)

  • 1600– East India Company is formed in England, which gets exclusive trading rights with India.
  • 1605– Akbar dies and is succeeded by his son Jahangir.
  • 1611– East India Company is established in India by the British.
  • 1627– Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom.
  • 1631– Shah Jahan builds the world-famous Taj Mahal.
  • 1658– Shah Jahan’s son Aurangzeb seizes power.
  • 1707– Aurangzeb dies destabilizing the Mughal Empire.
  • 1751– Britain becomes the leading colonial power in India.
  • 1757– Battle of Plassey. British defeat Siraj-ud-daulah.
  • 1761– The Marathas are defeated in the Third battle of Panipat by Ahmed shah Abdali.
  • 1764– Battle of Buxar is fought in which the English defeat the triple alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, NawabShuja-ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam.
  • 1829– Prohibition of Sati.
  • 1853– Railway, Postal and Telegraph line introduce in India.
  • 1857– First war of Indian Independence also known as the Revolt of 1857 or Sepoy Mutiny broke out.
  • 1877– Queen of England is proclaimed as the empress of India.
  • 1885– First meeting of the Indian National Congress held in Bombay.
  • 1905 – Partition of Bengal announced; to come in force from16thvOcober 1906.
  • 1906December 31– Muslim League founded at Dacca
  • 1908April 30– Khudiram Bose executed.
  • 1908, July 22– Tilak sentenced to six years on charges of sedition.
  • 1909, May 21 – Minto- Morley reforms of India council Act, 1909.
  • 1911– Delhi durbar held at Delhi in which the partition of Bengal is canceled.
  • 1912– Delhi becomes the new capital of India.
  • 1912 Decembe23– Bomb thrown on Lord Hardinge, on his entry into state Delhi.
  • 1914, November 1  Ghadar Party formed at San Francisco.
  • 1914, June 16– B.G Tilak released from jail.
  • 1914, August 4 –Outbreak of the 1st World War.
  • 1915, January 9M.K Gandhi arrives In India
  • 1915, February 19– Death of Gopal Krishna Gokhale
  • 1916, April 28– BG Tilak founds Indian Home Rule League with its headquarters at Poona.
  • 1916, September 25– Another Home Rule League started by Annie Besant.
  • 1917, April– Mahatma Gandhi Launches the Champaran campaign In Bihar to focus attention on the grievances of indigo planters.
  • 1917, August 20– The Secretary of State for India, Montague, declares that the goal of the British Government in India is the introduction of Responsible Government.
  • 1918 BeginnIng of trade union movement in India
  • 1918, April -Rowlatt (Sedition) Committee submits its report Rowlatt Bill introduced on February 16, 1919.
  • 1919, April 13 –Jallianwala Bagh tragedy.
  • 1919, December 5 –The House of Common passes the Montague Chelmsford Reforms of the Government of India Act, 1919.
  • The new reforms under this act came into operation in 1921.
  • 1920– First meeting of the All India Trade Union Congress (under Narain Malhar Joshi).
  • 1920, December The Indian National Congress (INC) adopts the Non-Cooperation Resolution.
  • 1920-22– Non-Cooperation Movement, suspended on February 12 after the violent incidents at Chauri Chaura on February 5, 1922
  • 1922, August Moplah rebellion on the Malabar Coast.
  • 1924 -The Communist Party of India starts its activities at Kanpur.
  • 1925, August– Kakori Train conspiracy case.
  • 1927, November 8 – The British Minister announces the appointment of the Simon Commission to suggest future constitutional reforms in India.
  • 1928– Nehru report recommends principles for the new constitution of India.
  • 1928, November 17 – the death of Lala Lajpat Rai.
  • 1929– Sharda Act passed prohibiting marriage of girls below 14 and boys below 18 years of age with an effort from 1930.
  • 1929, March 9– All parties Muslim conference formulates the ‘Fourteen points’ under the leadership of Jinnah.
  • 1929, April 8– Bhagatsingh and Batukeswar Dutt throw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly.
  • 1929, October 31– Lord Irwin’s announcement that the goal of British policy in India was a grant of the Dominion status.
  • 1929, December 31– The Lahore session of the INC adopts the goal of complete independence poorna Swarajya for India. Jawaharlal Nehru hoists the tricolor of Indian Independence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore.
  • 1930 January 26– First Independence Day observed.
  • 1930, February 14– The working committee of the INC meets at Sabarmati and passed the Civil Disobedience resolution.
  • 1930, March 12– Mahatma Gandhi launches the Civil Disobedience movement with his epic Dandi March (March 12 to April 6).
  •  The first phase of the Civil Disobedience movement: March 12, 1930, to March 5, 1931.
  • 1930, November 30- First Round Table Conference begins in London to consider the report of the Simon commission.
  • 1931, March 5– Gandhi- Irwin pact signed. Civil Disobedience Movements suspended.
  • 1931, March 23– Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev, and Rajguru executed.
  • 1931, September 7 Second Round Conference.
  • 1931, December 28– Gandhiji returns from Landon after the deadlock in 2nd RTC.
  • Launches the Civil Disobedience Movement. The INC declared illegal.
  • 1932, January 4– Gandhi Ji arrested and imprisoned without trial.
  • 1932, August 16- British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announces the infamous “Communal Award”.
  • 1932, September 20– Gandhiji in Jail begins his epic “fast unto death” against the Communal Award and ends the fast on 26th September, after the Poona pact.
  • 1932, November 17– The third round Table Conference begins in London ( 17th November to 24th December).
  • 1933, may 9- Gandhiji released from prison as he begins fast for self-purification. INC suspends Civil Disobedience Movement but authorizes Satyagraha by Individuals.
  • 1934 Gandhiji withdraws from active politics and devotes himself to constructive programmers.
  • 1935, August 4– The Government of India Act (1935) passed.
  • 1937– Election held in India under the Act of 1935 (February 1935)
  • 1938, February 19-20– Haripura session of INC. Subhash Chandra Bose elected congress president.
  • 1939, March10-12– Tripuri session of the INC.
  • 1939, April– Subhash Chandra Bose resigns as the president of the INC.
  • 1939, September 3– Second World War (1st September).
  • 1939, Oct 27-Nov 5– The Congress ministries in the provinces resign in protest the war policy of the British Government.
  • 1939, December 22 -The Muslim League observes the resignation of the Congress ministries as Deliverance Day.
  • 1940, March– Lahore Session of the Muslim League passes the Pakistan Resolution.
  • 1940, August 10 – Viceroy Linlithgow announces August Offer.
  • 1940, August 18-22– Congress Working Committee rejects the August Otter.
  • 1940, October 17 – Congress launches Individual Satyagraha Movement.
  • 1941, January 17 – Subhash Chandra Bose escapes from India; arrives in Berlin (March 28).
  • 1942, March 11– Churchill announces the Cripps Mission.
  • 1942, August 7-8 – The INC meets in Bombay; adopts ‘Quit India’ resolution.
  • 1942, August 9 – Gandhiji and other Congress leaders arrested.
  • 1942, August 11 – Quit India Movements begins; the Great August Uprising.
  • 1942, September 1 – Subhash Chandra Bose established the Indian National Army ‘Azad Hind Fauj’.
  • 1943, October 21– Subhash Chandra Bose proclaims the formation of the Provisional Government of Free India.
  • 1943, December 1 – Karachi Session of the Muslim League adopts the slogan “Divide and Quit”.
  • 1944, January 25– Wavell calls Shimla Conference in a bid to form the Executive of the council of Indian political leaders.
  • 1946, February 18– Mutiny of the Indian naval ratings in Bombay.
  •  1946, March 15– British Prime Minister Attlee announces Cabinet Mission to propose a new solution to the Indian deadlock.
  • Cabinet Mission arrives in Near Delhi (14th March).
  • 1946, July 6– Jawaharlal Nehru takes over as Congress President.
  • 1946, August 6– Wavell invites Nehru to form an Interim Government takes office (2nd September).
  • 1946, December 9– First session of the Constituent Assembly of India Starts. Muslim League boycotts it.
  • 1947, February 20 -British Prime Minister Attlee declares that the British Government would leave India not later than June 1948
  • 1947, March 24– Lord Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy and Governor-General of India, sworn in (March 24, 1947, to June 21, 1948) 1947, June 3Mountbatten Plan for the partition of India and the announcement(4th June) that transfer to power will take place on 15th August.
  • 1947, August 15– India wins freedom.


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