List of Governor General of Bengal

Dear Readers, Here I provide all the list of Governor General of Bengal with complete details for Railway NTPC, Group-D, SSC, Banking, State PSU, and all Competitive Examinations. It is one of the important topics in Indian history. Another history topics are Important war/Battle in Indian history

The  Governor-General of Bengal was introduced through the Regulating Act, 1773 with his four newly appointed councilors. Governor-General of Bengal to be appointed by the court of Director of the East India Company. The Court of Directors assigned a council of four members to assist the Governor-General and the decision of the council was binding on the Governor-General. A governor represented by the British East India Company in Bengal and granted the right to establish a trading post by the Nawabs of Bengal. 

List of Governor General of Bengal in Indian History are:-

Warren Hasting (1772-85):

  • Warren Hasting became Governor of Bengal in 1772 and the first Governor-General of Bengal in 1773 through the Regulating Act, 1773.
  • Abolished Dual System Of Administration.
  • Established 1st Supreme Court at Calcutta( 22nd Oct 1774)
  • The“Asiatic Society of Bengal “founded by him William Jones in 1784.
  • Charles Wilkins Translate “The Gita” in English during his period.
  • Introduce Diwanis faujdari Adalat.
  • “code of Gentoo laws”.
  • 1st anglo Maratha war (1776-82) which ended with the treaty of Salbai.
  • The 2nd anglo Mysore war (1780-84) ended with the treaty of Mangalore.
  • Rohilla war in 1774.
  • The act of 1781 came into force, under which the power of jurisdiction between the Governor-General-in-council and the supreme court at Calcutta were clearly divided.
  • Pitts India act of 1784 was enacted.

Sir John Macpherson (1785-86):

  • Sir John Macpherson was made the acting Governor-General from 1785 to 1786.

Lord Cornwallis (1786-93):

  • He called as Father of Indian Civil Services.
  • First-person to Codify laws in 1793. The code separated the Revenue administration from the administration of Justice.
  • Introduce the Zamindari system in 1773, which also called the Permanent Settlement of Bengal.
  • Third Anglo-Mysore war(1789-92) ) which ended with the Treaty of Srirangapatnam.
  • He introduces District Judge post
  • He was the first Governor-General in India. His grave is in Ghazipur(UP).

Sir John Shore (1793-98):


  • He was the first civil servant to become Governor-General.
  • The first Charter Act of 1793 was enacted.
  • Followed non-intervention Policy with other states/Territories.
  • Battle of Kharda in 1795 between Nizam & Maratha.

Lord Wellesley (1798-1805):

  • Also called Mornington.
  • He was famous as Bengal Tiger.
  • Adopted the policy of “Subsidiary Alliance” (1st accepted by Nizam of Hyderabad in 1798,2nd –Nawab of Awadh in 1801).
  • He established Fort William College in Calcutta in 1800.
  • Fourth Anglo-Mysore war (1799)where Tipu died.
  • 2nd Anglo Maratha war (1803-05) which ended with the treaty of Bassein.
  • Press Act of 1799 was enacted.

George Barlow(1805-07):

  • Adopted the non-Intervention policy with the princely state.
  • White Mutiny at Vellore by soldiers in 1806.

Lord Minto I (1807-13):

  • Treaty of Amritsar in 1809 with Ranjit Singh.
  • Charter Act of 1813 was passed. (Ended Monopoly of East India Company).

Lord  Marquess Hasting(1813-23):

  • Adopted the Intervention and war policy.
  • Ryotwari system settlement introduced in Madras by Thomas Munro.
  • The Anglo-Nepal war(1814-16 ) which ended with the Treaty of Sagauli(1815).
  • Treaty of Sangali with Gurkhas(1816).
  • Treaty of Poona with Peshwa(1817).

Lord Amherst(1823-28):

  • Barrackpore mutiny of 1824 happened.
  • The Siege of Bharatpur (Dec 1825-Jan 1826) happened.
  • 1st Anglo Burmese war (1824-26) which ended with the treaty of Yandabo.

FAQ Governor General of Bengal

Q. Who is the first Governor-General of Bengal?

 Ans-Warren Hasting became the first Governor-General of Bengalin 1773 through the Regulating Act, 1773.

Q. Who introduced subsidiary Alliance?

Ans-Lord Wellesley who was the Governor-General of Bengal introduced the subsidiary Alliance.

Q. When Ended Monopoly of East India Company?

Ans- According to the Charter Act of 1813, the Monopoly of East India Company Ended in 1813.

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