2018 RRB Group D previous year gk questions: All shift Oneliner

Dear Aspirants, In this article I provide the complete list of 2018 RRB Group D previous year GK questions with answers in single line format which are collected from different sources also collected from aspirants who appeared 2018 RRB Group D examination. Before the RRB examination, If you practice some questions and check the RRB Group-D previous year’s exam question paper, it will be easy to score good marks.

2018 RRB Group D previous year GK Question answer One-liner

  • The induction current is highest when the direction of motion of the coil is –90° relative to the magnetic field.
  • The point at which the entire weight of the body may be considered as concentrated is called – the center of gravity.
  • Hydra is a genus of small freshwater organisms that has the regenerative ability.
  • The weight of an object on the moon is –1/6 to its weight on earth.
  • The chemical reaction in which the heat is generated is called – Exothermic
  • Which Hormones change the appearance of boys during puberty – Testosterone.
  • Who has classified the elements based on atomic numbers – Henry Moseley
  • The chemical formula of calcium hydroxide is – Ca(OH)2
  • 5 to 8% of acetic acid is called – Vinegar                                      
  • The sound waves below the frequencies of audible sound is called – Infrasonic Sound
  • When the satellite is revolving around the earth, it is because of the gravitational force towards the earth that acts as –a centripetal force
  • A milkman mixes little Baking Soda in fresh milk to prevent the curding of milk.
  • The conductor wire is coated with PVC to- prevent short circuit
  • The organic compound with the formula  – Butane
  • The molecular mass of O2 is – 32
  • The white color of clouds is due to -the scattering of light
  • Gregory Johann Mendel is the founder of –modern genetics science.
  • Sclerenchyma cells have thickened lignified walls, which make them –strong and waterproof.
  • The ore of mercury is – Cinnabar.
  • Two focal length lenses are used by people suffering from – Myopia And Hypermetropia.
  • The S.I unit of light is –kilowatt-hour (Kwh)
  • When the gametes join during sexual reproduction, they form a cell called a –Zygotes.
  • The process which converts a refined metal to a more chemically stable form, such as its oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide is called-Corrosion.
  • The product of force and displacement is called –Work   
  • The metal which is liquid at room temperature-Mercury.
  • The word atom is given by – Democritus.
  • Which element does not have a fixed place in Mendeleev’s periodic table – Hydrogen.
  • Energy is defined as – the rate of work or rate of energy transfer.
  • The melting point of Tungsten – C
  • How many atoms are there in copper molecules – 63.546 g/mol
  • Newlands low of octaves is applicable up to – Calcium Atom.
  • Falling freely is possible only in –Vacuum.
  • Mechanical energy is the sum of –Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
  • Protein synthesis is accomplished through a process called-Translation.
  • When a metal reacts with water, it released- Hydrogen Gas
  • When the ray of light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium then the speed of light –increases and it will bends away from the normal.
  • Ethanol is used in car petrol –as a fuel.
  • The K.E of the particles is maximum in –Plasma.
  • Goiter is caused due to the –lack of iodine.
  • Why does the stone thrown towards the sky come back to the earth – Due to acceleration due to gravity(g)
  • Which tissue responsible for the transport of sugar from source tissues during photosynthetic – Phloem
  • A car is moving at a high speed which energy is said to be – Kinetic Energy.
  • How to convert the temperature from Kelvin scale to Celsius sale – subtract the given temperature from 273.15.
  • Solder is an alloy of –Lead (Pb) and Tin(sn)
  • ___________is the passing on of traits from parents to their offspring – Heredity
  • What energy increases at a print during its path object falling freely – Kinetic Energy
  • Fish has ______Chan bens in the heart-2 (two).
  • The property of a metal to be drawn into thin shuts – Malleability
  • There are ____ shells in the atoms of germanium, Arsenic, selenium, and Bromine – four (4)
  • The force between neutron and proton in an atom is called – Nuclear force.
  • Which salts have a ph less than 7 – Ammonium Chloride.
  • The strengthening tissue in a plant, formed from cells with thickened walls – Sclerenchyma.
  • The function of platelet tissue in human beings – The Prevention and Control of Bleeding.
  • The function of pancreas –Digestion and Blood Sugar Regulation.
  • When the card hold on a glass is pushed with a finger, the coin placed in it falls in to the glass, this statement inspires the lane of –inertia.
  • The weight of a person on the moon is reduced to the weight of that person on earth – 1/6.
  • Baking soda solution is used for the treatment of –Bee Strings.
  • The element having the same number of proton’s but a different number of neutrons is called – Isotopes
  • The non-metal in liquid state – Bromine.
  • Tin is found in the alloy of –Solder
  • The speed of sound in air at 25°C is – 346 m/s.
  • The SI unit of acceleration is -m/s2
  • While, going from fluorine to chlorine and bromine to iodine, the electric negativity – Decreases.
  • Uses of Galvanometer – To detect the direction of the current.
  • The chemical formula of rust is –   Fe2O3. H2
  • The amount of light entering into the eye is controlled by – Pupil.
  • A large group of animals is called –Arthropod
  • The coconut bark is formed by the tissue called Sklerenkaima.
  • The exothermic is the reaction in which– Heat goes out.
  • Which of the following is a Nobel gas –Krypton
  • The source of sun’s energy – Nuclear fusion Reaction.
  • The unit of heredity is – Genes.
  • Who write a book entitled “Origin of Species” – Darwin.                                         
  • The chemical formula of propane is –C3H8 
  • The amount of gas is invertially proportional to –pressure
  • Falling coconut contains – Kinetic energy.
  • Which group of the modern periodic table has only seven elements – first.
  • The radiation emitted in a hot furnace is called – Infrared.
  • Rocket’s launch is based on newton’s – Third law of motion.
  • What is the focal length of a spherical mirror – Half of its radius of curvature.
  • The momentum has – both magnitude and direction.
  • Which metal reacts strongly with soft water –Sodium.
  • The formula of kinetic energy is –1/2 mv2
  • Embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood with the help of a special mechanism called-Cord.
  • What is the role of the gall bladder during digestion – Fat Digestion.
  • Which can be used as aroma indicator-Vanilla The mass of an object on earth is 10 kg then what will be its weight on earth – 98 N
  • The harmful radiation emitted by the sun is – Ultraviolet rays.
  • The reproductive part of angiosperms is found in-Flower.
  • Which enzyme is secreted from the salivary gland – Amylase.
  • What is the molecular mass of sodium carbonate- 106.
  • The function of phloem in plants is –to transport food nutrients.
  • In the modern periodic table, the zigzag lines separate – non-metal from metals.
  • The most abundant element in the sun’s atmosphere – Hydrogen.
  • Mass x acceleration is equal to – Force.
  • The catalyst is a substance that – increases the rate of reaction.
  • The S. I. Unit of pressure – Pascal.
  • Which tissue is composed of dead cells –Sclerenchyma.
  • The product of mass and velocity is called – Momentum.
  • Coal is a –non-renewable fossil fuel.
  • Bleaching power contains bleaching which agent – Chlorine.
  • Plant tissues in which cells keep on dividing are called – Meristematic tissue.
  • Copper metal is immersed in a mixture of zinc sulfate, then – there is no reaction.
  • Garlic is a –seed plant.
  • What is the energy stored in the Dam – Potential energy.
  • The fastest medium in which sound travels is-Solid medium.
  • The heat trapped under the surface of the earth is called – Geothermal energy.
  • The absolute refractive index of a diamond – 42.
  • The chemical formula of ethanol –C2H6 OH
  • Plant cell wall made of – Cellulose and lactose
  • Tartaric acid is a component of – Baking powder.
  • Which element is used in thermal power equipment – Nichrome.
  • The effect of stress depends on on-Cross section Area.
  • The law of definite proportion was given by –Proust’s.                                
  • The nephron is used to separate water, ions, and small molecules from the –Blood
  • The point at which all the rays meet is called – Focus.
  • The melting substance mixed with gases under the earth’s crust is called – Magma.
  • How many groups and periods exist in the modern periodic table – 18 Group & 7 period.
  • Which biological process converts chemical energy into heat energy-Respiration.
  • Which of the following is a shiny nonmetal- Iodine
  • Which energy has two types of energy –Mechanical
  • Retardation is – negative acceleration
  • Saturated hydrocarbon is also known as-Alkane
  • The product of distance and time is known as – Work
  • Which of the following has SI unit Newton-Force and Weight
  • The ratio of mass and volume is known as-Density
  • The common name of Ascaris is Round Worm
  • Which chromosome is present in the female-X chromosome
  • Which metallic element is used in the solar panel- Silicon
  • The electronic configuration of helium is similar to –Noble Gas
  • Pressure is equal to-Force/Area Which of the following is a malleable metal- Gold 
  • How many phases of substance have been discovered by scientist-5 phases

RRB previousyear gk questions

  • Phloem in plants is responsible for the transportation of –Food.
  • The state of the body while falling feels –Weightless.
  • The cell that store food for the embryo is called -Female Gametes.
  • The Sclerenchyma cells are heavily thickened secondary walls due to – Lignin
  • What has been said to the horizontal column in Mendel’s periodic table –Period
  • The work done due to friction is neither be destroyed but it can be transformed into –Thermal Energy
  • An object is thrown vertically upwards while raising it up to its potential energy and kinetic energy – Increases and Decrease Respectively
  • The unit of measurement of the frequency of sound wave is- Hertz
  • The position of the image formed by concave mirror when an object is placed at center of curvature – At Centre of Curvature
  • Calcium is located in –4th period and 2nd group in periodic table.
  • Each member of the hydrocarbon family differ from the previous member by – CH2 Group.
  • When calcium sulfate hemihydrates dissolves in water, produces –Gypsum
  • The tendency of an object to resist the change of its state of rest or motion is called – Inertia.
  • What is the unit of electrical energy – Kilowatt hour
  • Which plant does not grow by physiological amplification – Papaya
  • When fossil fuel burn then the free carbon, nitrogen and oxide of sulphuric called – Acidic Oxide.
  • Galvanometer is used to measure the –direction of electric current.
  • What is the name of connective tissue that attached bones-Muscles
  • Atomic number 57 is related to –d block element
  • The dehydrating agent which is used to convert ethanol to ethane is – Concentration H2So4
  • Odometer is used to measure the –Distance
  • The chemical formula of iron oxide-Fe2O3
  • The atomic number 35, 53 and 85 belongs to – Halogen family
  • The friction force work in –Opposite direction of force
  • The tissue which providing nutrition to the fetus is called –Placenta
  • Which can be reproduced by mucus- Hydra
  • How many elements exist in the sixth period of the modern periodic table –32.
  • What is called vertical table-Group
  • The position of the image formed by a convex mirror when an object is kept between the pole of the mirror is – virtual and small.
  • How does fertility occur in amoeba – Binary Fission
  • During the melting of solid –The temperature does not change.
  • Most of the reptiles have – 3 chambered heart.
  • What is the approximate size of the nerve cells in our body – 100cm.
  • The 2nd law of motion indicates-The rate of change of momentum.
  • The non metal which is liquid at room temperature – Bromine.
  • Sodium is stored in –Kerosene.
  • The law which gives the relationship between voltage, current and resistance in any electrical circuit is called –Ohm’s law.
  • Which hormone is released from testis –Testosterone.
  • The rate of change of displacement over time is called –Velocity
  • How many atoms of water in a molecules of washing soda – 10.
  • The second equation of motion provides the relation between – Distance – time.
  • When copper oxide is heated with hydrogen, then copper metal and water are formed in this action, what happens with hydrogen-Oxidation.
  • What is evaporation – Solid changes to Vapour.
  • The voltmeter is connected parallel to -the electric circuit
  • The chemical formula of alkyne – CnH2n – 2.
  • In the process of galvanization, the iron is cover with layer – Zinc
  • Ginger is an example of
  • The structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron is called – Synapse.
  • The resistance of the metal wire is inversely proportional to the length and directly proportional to –the cross sectional area.
  • Which of the following is a mechanical wave –Sound waves.
  • Which of the following shows non-polar coordinate bones –Chlorine atom
  • The S.l. unit of force – Newton.
  • The polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms traditionally described as –Thalloid Plants.
  • When the speed of an object is double then its kinetic energy becomes – 4 Times.
  • Which plants have unpaved seeds – Cedar
  • Zygotes is formed due to – Urination
  • The filament of light bulb is made of – Tungsten.
  • Which class of animal having warm blood-Mammal
  • The relationship between velocity and time is –V = u + at
  • In the human digestive system, secretion of digestive juice is due to –Hepatie.
  • Which of them having maximum attraction force among particles – Copper red.
  • Metallurgy is a process to remove the metals from its –
  • Carriers of genetic properties are – DNA
  • The elements of 18 group are called – Nobel gas.

2018 RRB Group D previous year gk questions

  • Chemical formula for white alloy zinc-ZNSO4 7 H2O
  • How many bones are in the body-206
  •  In 2004, NASA launched a messenger space craft to study Plant name-Mercury:
  •  Sulfur is easily soluble in-carbon disulphide
  • What is a vegetarian called-Primary consumer
  • What is the respiratory limb in the scorpion-Booklags
  •  What is the speed of air measured by –anemometer
  • Which hormone is frozen by being frightened-Adrenaline
  • Which planet contains ring-Saturn
  •  Which vitamin is responsible for blow clotting –vitamin K
  • The relationship between displacement and time is-S= ut + 1/2 at2
  • Which of the following elements having density and boiling point is low –Na
  • Which of the following gas is used to fill in the electric bulb – Argon (Ar) and Nitrogen (N2)
  • The mirror formula is    
  • Measurement of the mass of an object called the measurement of inertia
  • The relative mass of CO is – 28.0 g/mol.
  • Metals has generally­____ electrons in there outer most shell-1,2,3
  •  Hydra is a genus of invertebrate fresh water animals of the class –Hydrozoa (Phylum Cnedaria)
  •  In the modern periodic table the 1st group contain -Only Gases Elements.
  • Starfish or sea stars are star shaped echinoderms belonging to the class –Asteroidean
  • The image formed on retina is -Real and Inverted
  •  If the PH value of a salts is 7 then it is called – Strong acid and strong base.
  • Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can transformed into one form into another and it is called – Law of conservation of energy.
  • The S.l. unit of acceleration is –m/s2
  • The odometer of automobile measures –distance
  • ….. is the non-metal that is present in a liquid state. – Bromine
  • ___transmits food to all parts of the plant – Phloem.
  •  A radioactive metal, which is an abundant source of concentrated energy and was discovered in 1789, having atomic number 92 is – Uranium.
  • Blood and bones are the example of – Connective tissue.
  •  Boiling water reactor and pressure water reactor are the types of –Nuclear reactor.
  • CaO(calcium oxide) is also called –Quick lime.
  • Chlorine, florine and iodine are the example of – Halogen family
  • Cracking process is related to –petrol production.
  •  Glucose have______ Carbon molecules –6
  •  Ice floats on water-because of their low density
  •  In human being, men’s sexual chromosome group is –XY.
  • The dam water does not contain-kinetic energy.
  • The development of pollen tube is an important phase of –spermatophytes in land adaptation.
  • The focal length of convex mirror are always – Positive
  • The gravitational field is maximum at-poles
  • The meaning of retardation is –negative acceleration.
  • The momentum of a moving body depends on – its mass and speed.
  • The speed of light is – 3 x 108 m/s.
  •  The utensils are coated with tin rather then zinc because – Zinc, is more reactive than tin.
  • The weight of human brain is – 1350 -1400 gm
  • There is a of charge on the electron-1.6 x 10-16 coulombs.
  • Transformer works on the principle on- Mutual induction
  •  Vulcanization or vulcanization is chemical process for converting natural rubber or related polymers into more durable materials by –heating them with sulfur.
  • What is responsible for the extra strength of Pyrex glass – Borax
  •  What is the atomic number of Barium –56
  •  What is the chemical formula of phosphoric acid-H3 PO4
  • What is the physical state of water at 257°C-Gases.
  • Which country has become the first carbon negative country-Bhutan
  •  Which metals are highest active metals –alkali metals .
  • Which of the following detects electric current in the circuit – Galvanometer.
  •  Which of the following having less density than water – Cork.
  •  Which of the following is not the concept of Dalton’s atomic theory – All substances are made up of small particles called molecules.
  •  Which of the following process, in wich energy is released in very large quantities – Aerobic reception.
  • Which of the following sound waves having longest wavelength – 100 Hz frequency wave.(according to option)
  •  Which thread has least ability to catch fire-cotton.

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I am Arati Nayak. I like to share knowledge for students and Aspirants to make everything easy, clear, and unique.

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