Parts of Indian Constitution

There are Twenty-five (25) Parts of the Indian Constitution which are lists in the constitution that categorize and tabulate bureaucratic activity and government policy.

What is the Constitution?

The Constitution of a country is the living document of laws and provisions for governance. The World’s lengthiest written constitution is the Indian Constitution.

The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946 and it was adopted on November 26, 1949.

  • It came into existence on 26 January 1950.
  • To frame the Constitution took 2 years 11 months and 18 days.
  • At starting the original Constitution had 395 Articles and 8 schedules.

At present, the  Indian Constitution contains the following.

  • The Preamble
  • 25 Parts (Part I to XXII)
  • Over 448 Articles
  • 12 schedules
  • About 103 Amendments

Parts of the Indian Constitution are :

Part-I (Articles 1-4):

  • Deals with the territory of India Formation of new states, alterations of names, and areas of existing states.

Part-II (Articles 5-11):

  • Deals with various provisions related to

 Part-III (Articles 12-35):

  • Deals with the Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens.

 Part-IV (Articles 36-51):

  • Deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy(DPSP).

 Part-IV A (Article 51A):

  • Added by 42nd Amendment in 1976. It contains the Duties of the citizens.

 Part-V (Articles 52-151):

  • Deals with Government at the Union Level (Duties and Functions of Prime Minister, Minister, President, Vice- President, Attorney General, Parliament- LokSabha and Rajya Sabha, Comptroller and Auditor-General).

 Part-VI (Articles 152-237):

  • Deals with Government at State Level(Duties and Functions of Chief Minister and his Ministers, Governor, State Legislature, High Court, Advocate General of the state)

 Part-VII (Article 238):

  • Deals with states in part B was deleted in 1956 by the 7th

 Part-VIII (Articles 239-241):

  • Deals with Union Territories.

 Part IX(Article 243-243-O) :

  • Added by 73rdAmendment in 1992. It contains a new schedule ‘Schedule Eleven’.  It contains 29 subjects related to Panchayati Raj. (They have been given administrative powers).

 Part IX-A (Article 243P-243- ZG):

  • Added by the 74thAmendment act in 1992. It contains a new schedule ‘Schedule Twelve’. It contains 18 subjects related to Municipalities (They have been given administrative powers).

 Part- IX B (243-ZH t0 243-ZT):

  • Deals with the Co-operative Societies.   

 Part-X (Articles 244, 244A):

  • Deals with Scheduled and Tribal Areas.

 Part-Xl (Articles 245-263):

  • Deals with the relationship between Union and states.

 Part-XII (Articles 264-300A):

  • Deals with a distribution of revenue between Union and states, Appointments of finance commission (Article 280), contracts, liabilities, etc.

 Part-XIII (Articles 301-307):

  • Relates to Trade, Commerce, and Intercourse within the Territory of India.

 Pact-XIV (Articles 308-323):

  • Deals With Civil Service and Public Service Commission.

 Part-XIV A (Articles 323A, 323B):

  • Deals with Administrative Tribunals set up by parliament to hear disputes and complaints regarding union, states, or local govt. employees.

 Part- XV (Articles 324-329):

  • Deals with Elections(including Election Commission).

 Part-XVI (Articles 330-342):

  • Deals with special provisions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Indian Representation.

 Part-XVII (Articles 343-351):

  • Relates to Official Language.

 Part-XVIII (Articles 352-360):

  • Deals with Emergency

 Part-XIX (Articles 361-367):

  • Miscellaneous

 Part-XX (Article 368):

  • Deals with Amendment of Constitution.

 Part-XXI (Article 369-392):

  • Contains Temporary, Transitional, and Special Provisions.

 Part-XXII (Article 393-395):

  • Concerns the short title, commencement, and repeal of the Constitution.

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