Father of Various Field || All Branches: 430+ list

Dear Readers, In this article I provide the most important topic in every field in our life. All List of  Father of Various Field, Father of various Stream /Father of all subject /Educational Field, List of Famous Fathers of Indian field, Father of Revolution like Father of Revolution in the world, Father of Indian Revolution.

It is an important Science topic for competitive examination. In most of the Competitive examinations like Railway NTPC, JE, ALP, Group D, SSC CGL, CHSL, Banking, FCI, State PSU, etc., science is a major part of General Knowledge. Most questions arise in the examination from Unit and Measurement, Chemical Formulas, Inventions and Discoveries, Important Minerals & Ores, Various Branches of science/Study of Different fields,   List of Measuring Instruments and Their Uses, etc. which are helpful for all students and Aspirants for all competitive examinations like Railway NTPC, JE, Group-D, SSC, Banking, and state PSU.

List of father of all fields are:

Father of various Stream /Father of all subject /Father of important Branches

Field Name of Father
Father of Algebra Diophantus
Father of Architecture Louis Henry Sullivan
Father of Ayurveda Charaka
Father of Biology Aristotle
Father of Botany Theophrastus
Father of Business Management Peter F. Drucker
Father of Business Studies Peter F. Drucker
Father of C language Dennis Ritchie
Father of c++ Bjarne Stroustrup
Father of Civil Engineering John Smeaton
Father of Computer Science George Boole and Alan Turing
Father of Economics Adam Smith
Father of education Horace Mann
Father of educational psychology Edward Lee Thorndike
Father of electrical engineering Michael Faraday
Father of Electronics Ray Tomlinson
Father of Embryology Aristotle
Father of Geography Eratosthenes
Father of Geometry Euclid
Father of History Herodotus
Father of java James Gosling
Father of Mathematics Archimedes
Father of Medicine Hippocrates
Father of Microbiology Louis Pasteur
Father of Modern Chemistry Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier
Father of Modern Computer Alan Turing
Father of Modern Geology James Hutton
Father of Modern Management Peter Georg Ferdinand Drucker
Father of Modern Medicine Hippocrates
Father of Modern Physics Galileo Galilei
Father of Modern Physics in world Albert Einstein
Father of Modern Physiology Wilhelm Wundt
Father of Bio Technology Karl Ereky
Father of Modern Political science Niccolo Machiavelli
Father of Physics Albert Einstein
Father of Political Science Aristotle
Father of Robotics Nikola Tesla
Father of Statistics Ronald Fisher
Father of Sanskrit Grammar Panini
Father of Trigonometry Hipparchus
Father of Zoology Aristotle

List of Father of all Fields 

Field Person Name
Father of Accounting Luca Pacioli
Father of accounting in India Shri Kalyan Subramani Aiyar
Father of advertising/modern advertising David Ogilvy
Father of Indian advertising Padamsee
Father of Agriculture Norman Ernest Borlaug
Father of Agriculture in India M. S. Swaminathan
Father of Agronomy Peter De Crescenji
Father of Algebra Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi
Father of Allopathy Abstract Hippocrates
Father of America George Washington
Father of American Football Walter Chauncey Camp
Father of Anatomy Andreas Vesalius
Father of Android Andy Rubin
Father of Anesthesia William T.G. Morton
Father of Animation J. Stuart Blackton
Father of Anthropology Claude Levi Strauss
 Father of Indian ethnography Sarat Chandra Roy
Father of Antibiotics Selman Abraham Waksman
Father of antiseptic surgery Lord Lister
Father of Archaeology William Flinders Petrie
Father of Indian archaeology Sir Alexander Cunningham
Father of Architecture Louis Henry Sullivan 
Father of Indian architecture Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi
Father of Arithmetic Brahmagupta
Father of Artificial Intelligence John Mccarthy
Father of astrology Alan Leo
Father of Indian astrology Parasara Muni
Father of Astronomy Copernicus
Father of atom John Dalton
Father of Atom Bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer
Father of atomic energy Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Father of automobile Karl Friedrich Benz
Father of Aviation George Cayley
Father of Ayurveda Dhanwantari
Father of Bacteriology Louis Paster/Robert Koch/Antonie van Leeuwenhoek/Ferdinand Cohn
Father of biochemistry Carl Alexander Neuberg
Father of Biodiversity Edward O Wilson
Father of bioinformatics Margaret Oakley Dayhoff
Father of Blood Circulation William Harvey
Father of Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
Father of calculus Isaac Newton
Father of carnatic music Purandara Dasa
Father of cell biology George Emil Palade
Father of the cell George Emil Palade
Father of the cell theory Theodor Schwann
Father of cell phone Martin Cooper
Father of chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich
Father of civics Benjamin Franklin
Father of civil service Charles Cornwallis
Father of Classical mechanics Isaac Newton
Father of Classification Carl Linnaeus
Father of Taxonomy Carl Linnaeus
Father of cloning Sir Ian Wilmut
Father of Comedy Aristophanes
Father of Comic Books Stan Lee (Father of Marvel Comics)
Father of commerce Poseidon
Father of communal electorate Lord Minto
Father of communism Karl Marx
Father of Computer Charles Babbage
Father of consumer movement Ralph Nadar
Father of coordinate geometry Rene Descartes
Father of cricket William Gilbert Grace
Father of Indian cricket Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji II
Father of Cytology Robert Hooke
Father of democracy Cleisthenes
Father of demography John Graunt
Father of Indian census Henry Walter
Father of dentistry Walsh J . Fauchard
Father of dictionary Samuel Johnson
Father of DNA James Watson
Father of DNA Fingerprinting Alec John Jeffreys
Father of diarchy  Edwin Samuel Montagu/ Sir Lionel Curtis 
Father of ecology Eugene Odum
Father of ecology in Indian Ramdeo Misra
Father of economy Adam Smith
Father of ecosystem Arthur Tansley
Father of the ecosystem in India Ramdeo Misra
Father of Electricity Benjamin Franklin
Father of Electronics Michael Faraday
Father of Email Ray Tomlinson
Father of Embryology Aristotle
Father of Endocrinology Thomas Addison
Father of engineering Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
Father of English Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of English criticism Neander
Father of English drama Shakespeare
Father of English essay Francis Bacon
Father of English grammar Lindley Murray
Father of English language Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of English literature Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of English novel Henry Fielding
Father of English poetry Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of Indian English poetry Nissim Ezekiel
Father of entomology Reverend William Kirby
Father of environmental science Dr. Rex N. Olinares
Father of Indian environmental science Ramdeo Misra
Father of epidemiology John Snow
Father of essays Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Father of Eugenics Francis Galton
Father of Evolution Charles Darwin
Father of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
Father of fiber optics Charles Kuen Kao
Father of fiber optics in India Narinder S. Kapany
Father of finance  Eugene F. Fama
Father of forensic medicine  Paolus Zacchia
Father of Gene Therapy French Anderson
Father of Genetic Engineering Paul Berg
Father of Genetics Gregor Johann Mendel
Father of google Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Father of green chemistry Paul Anastas
Father of heredity Gregor Mendel
Father of Hindi Bhartendu Harishchandra
Father of histology Marie Francois Xavier Bichat/ Marcello Malpighi 
Father of History Herodotus
Father of Homeopathy Heinemann
Father of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann
Father of horticulture Liberty Hyde Bailey
Father of hr Dave Ulrich
Father of hrm George Elton Mayo
Father of HTML Tim Berners Lee
Father of human genetics Gregor Mendel
Father of human geography Carl Ritter
Father of human resource management George Elton Mayo
Father of Humanism Francesco Petrarca
Father of Hydrogen Bomb Edward Teller
Father of immunology Louis Pasteur
Father of Indology Gerasim Lebedev
Father of information technology Claude Elwood Shannon
Father of inorganic chemistry Alfred Werner
Father of international law Grotius
Father of Internet Vinton Cerf
Father of invention Thomas Alva Edison
Father of ISRO Vikram Sarabhai
Father of java James Arthur Gosling
Father of javascript Brendan Eich 
Father of jquery John Resig
Father of keyboard Christopher Latham Sholes
Father of Laptop Bill Moggridge
Father of Law Cicero
Father of library S. R. Ranganathan
Father of library science Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan
Father of Linguistic Democracy Potti Sreeramulu
Father of linguistics Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan
Father of Linux Linus Torvalds
Father of local self-government Lord Ripon
Father of Lok sabha Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
Father of machine learning Geoffrey Hinton
Father of macroeconomics John Maynard Keynes
Father of management Peter F. Drucker
Father of marketing Philip Kotler
Father of mathematics in the world Archimedes
Father of medical microbiology Robert Koch
Father of medical science Abstract Hippocrates
Father of medicine Abstract Hippocrates
Father of mensuration Leonard Digges
Father of Microbiology/Microscopy Antonie Philips Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of microeconomics Alfred Marhsall
Father of microfinance Muhammad Yunus
Father of Microscopy Antonie Philips Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Microsoft Bill Gates
Father of Mobile Phone Martin Cooper
Father of modern anatomy Andreas Vesalius
Father of Modern Astronomy Nicolaus Copernicus
Father of Modern Biochemistry Carl Alexander Neuberg
Father of modern biology Charles Darwin
Father of palynology Otto Gunnar Elias Erdtman
Father of Indian Palynology PKK Nair
Father of Modern Chemistry Antoine Lavoisier
Father of Modern Cinema David Wark Griffith
Father of Modern Computer Alan Turing
Father of Modern Democracy John Locke
Father of Modern Dentistry Pierre Fauchard
Father of modern digital computer Charles Babbage
Father of Modern Ecology Eugene P. Odum
Father of Modern Economics Paul Samuelson
Father of Modern Education John Amos Comenius
Father of Modern Finance Eugene F. Fama
Father of modern genetics Gregor Mendel
Father of modern geography Eratosthenes
Father of modern Hindi literature Bhartendu Harishchandra
Father of modern history Bishop William Stubbs
Father of modern linguistics Chomsky
Father of Modern Management Peter Georg Ferdinand Drucker
Father of modern mathematics Rene Descartes
Father of modern medicine Abstract Hippocrates
Father of modern microbiology Sergei Winogradsky
Father of modern Olympic Pierre De Coubertin
Father of the modern periodic table Dmitri Mendeleev
Father of modern psychiatry Philippe Pinel’s
Father of modern psychology Wilhelm Wundt
Father of modern science Galileo Galilei
Father of modern surgery Joseph Lister
Father of modern taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
Father of mouse Douglas Engelbart
Father of Mutation theory Hugo De Vries
Father of mycology Heinrich Anton de Bary
Father of Nanotechnology Richard Smalley
Father of navy Shivaji Maharaj
Father of nephrology John P. Merrill
Father of New France Samuel de Champlain
Father of a nuclear bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer
Father of Nuclear Chemistry Otto Hahn
Father of Nuclear Physics Ernest Rutherford
Father of Nuclear Science Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
Father of Numbers Pythagoras
Father of nutrition Antoine Lavoisier
Father of operation flood Dr Verghese Kurien
Father of optical fibre Charles Kuen Kao
Father of optics Ibn al Haytham
Father of organic chemistry Friedrich Wohler
Father of ornithology Allan Octavian Hume
Father of orthodontics Edward Hartley Angle
Father of orthopedics Robert Jones
Father of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Father of Paleobotany Adolphe Theodore Brongniart
Father of paleontology Georges Cuvier
Father of pathology Rudolph Virchow
Father of Peasant Movement N. G. Ranga (Gogineni Ranga Nayukulu)
Father of pediatrics Dr. George Coelho
Father of Pentium Chip Vinod Dham
Father of Periodic table Dmitri Mendeleev
Father of personal computer Charles Babbage
Father of the petroleum industry Dr Abraham Gesner
Father of pharmacognosy Dioscorides
Father of pharmacology Jonathan Pereira
Father of pharmacy William Procter
Father of Philosophy Rene Descartes
Father of photography Nicephore Niepce
Father of PHP Rasmus Lerdorf
Father of phycology William Henry Harvey
Father of physics Galileo Galilei
Father of Physiology Claude Bernard
Father of plant anatomy Nehemiah Grew
Father of plant pathology Heinrich Anton de Bary
Father of plant physiology Julius Sachs
Father of plant tissue culture Haberlandt
Father of plastic industry Leo Hendrik Baekeland
Father of Plastic Surgery Sir Harold Gillies
Father of poetry Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of political science Aristotle
Father of politics Aristotle
Father of polity Aristotle
Father of probability Blaise Pascal
Father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
Father of Modern Psychology Sigmund Freud
Father of Psychology Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
Father of public administration Woodrow Wilson
Father of public health Dr. Stephen Smith
Father of python Guido van Rossum
Father of quality Joseph M. Juran
Father of Quantum mechanics Max Planck
Father of quantum physics Max Planck
Father of radio Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi
Father of radio science Guglielmo Marconi 
Father of radiology Willhelm Conrad Roentgen 
Father of Railways George Stephenson
Father of Relativity Albert Einstein
Father of renaissance Petrarch
Father of Robotics Joseph F. Engelberger
Father of RRB (Regional Rural Banks) M. Swaminathan
Father of science Galileo Galilei
Father of modern science in India Jagdish Chandra Bose
Father of Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor
Father of scientific socialism Karl Marx
Father of Search engine Alan Emtage
Father of six sigma Bill Smith
Father of social science Karl Marx
Father of socialism  Karl Marx
Father of Sociology Auguste Comte
Father of soil mechanics Karl Terzaghi
Father of soil science Vasily Dokuchaev
Father of space science Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai
Father of statistics Ronald A. Fisher & Karl Pearson
Father of supercomputer Seymour Cray
Father of Surgery Sushruta
Father of Tally Shyam Sunder Goenka
Father of Taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
Father of technology Thomas Edison
Father of Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
Father of Television Philo Farnsworth
Father of the American Constitution James Madison
Father of Thermodynamics Sadi Carnot
Father of tissue culture Haberlandt
Father of transfusion medicine Tibor J. Greenwalt
Father of twitter Jack Dorsey
Father of Vaccination  Edward Jenner
Father of immunology Edward Jenner
Father of Video game Thomas T. Goldsmith
Father of virology Martinus Beijerinck
Father of whatsapp Jan Koum & Brain Action
Father of wifi Vint Cerf. Widely
Father of www (World Wide Web) Tim Berners Lee
Father of yoga Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Father of Various Field:: List of Famous Fathers of Indian field


Field Name of Father
Father of Missile Program A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam)
Father of Civil Aviation J. R. D. Tata (Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata)
Father of Panchayati Raj Balwant Rai Mehta
Father of Indian Air Force(IAF) Subroto Mukerjee
Father of geography in India Major James Rennell
Father of Veterinary Science in India Shalihotra
Father of Plastic Surgery Sushruta
Father of civil service in India Charles Cornwallis
Father of all India services Charles Cornwallis
Father of Astronomy Varahamihira
Father of Ayurveda Athreya
Father of biotechnology in India Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
Father of Nuclear (Indian Nuclear science)/Atomic Program Homi J.Bhabha
Father of Indian Cinema Dadasaheb Phalke (Dhundiraj Govind Phalke)
Father of Civil Engineering India Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
Father of Co-operative Movement in India Frederic Nicholson
Father of Indian DNA fingerprinting Lalji Singh FNA
Father of ecology in India Ramdeo Misra
Father of history in India Megasthenes
Father of India’s Communication Revolution Sam Pitroda
Father of Indian air force Subroto Mukharjee
Father of Indian archaeology Sir Alexander Cunningham
Father of Indian army Major Stringer Lawrence
Father of Paleobotany in India Birbal Sahni
Father of Indian atom bomb Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Father of Indian Budget P C Mahalanobis
Father of Indian chemical industry Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray
Father of Indian civil service Charles Cornwallis
Father of Indian constitution Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Father of Indian Comics Anant Pai
Father of Indian cricket Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji II
Father of Indian Ecology Ramdeo Mishra
Father of Indian economic planning Mokshagundam Vishweswaraiah
Father of Indian economic reforms Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao
Father of Indian Economics M.G.Ranade (Mahadev Govind Ranade)
Father of Indian Engineering M.Visweswariah
Father of Indian geology Robert Bruce Foote
Father of Indian Green Revolution Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Father of Indian journalism James Augustus Hicky
Father of psychology in India Narendra Nath Sen Gupta
Father of Indian mathematics Aryabhata
Father of Indian medicine Sushruta
Father of Indian nationalism Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Father of Indian navy Shivaji Maharaj
Father of Indian nuclear program Homi Jahangir Bhabha
Father of Indian nuclear science Homi Jahangir Bhabha
Father of Indian ornithology A.O.Hume
Father of Indian Painting Nandalal Bose
Father of Indian petroleum industry Dr. Abraham Gesner
Father of Indian pharmacy Mahadeva Lal Schroff
Father of Indian Phycology M. O. P. Iyengar (Mandayam Osuri Parthasarathy Iyengar)
Father of Algology in India M. O. P. Iyengar (Mandayam Osuri Parthasarathy Iyengar)
Father of Indian planning Mokshagundam Vishweswaraiah
Father of Indian politics Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Father of Indian Printing James Hickey
Father of Indian Railway Lord Dalhousie
Father of Space Program Vikram Sarabhai
Father of DNA Fingerprinting in India Lalji Singh
Father of Indian Renaissance Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Father of Indian revolution Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Father of Sanskrit Grammar Panini
Father of Indian sociology G.S. Ghurye
Father of Indian space program Vikram Sarabhai
Father of Indian statistics Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
Father of Indian surgery Sushruta
Father of Indian taxonomy Hermenegild Santapau
Father of Indian Unrest Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Father of Local Self Government in India Lord Ripon
Father of mathematics in India Aryabhata
Father of medicine in India Sushruta
Father of Modern India Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi
Father of physics in India Homi J. Bhabha
Father of Radio Science in India J C Bose
Father of the renaissance of western India Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Father of Sanskrit Drama Kalidasa
Father of statistics in India Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
Father of Surgery Susruta
Father of the Indian Constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar)
Father of Indian Botany William Roxburgh
Father of Modern Economic Reforms in India Manmohan Singh
Father of Modern Physics in India Galileo Galilei

Father of Various Field:: Father of Revolution

Father of Revolution in world

  • Father of the Green Revolution-Norman Ernest Borlaug
  • Father of Agriculture -Norman Ernest Borlaug
  • Father of the White Revolution- Dr. Verghese Kurien

Father of Indian Revolution


SI No. Revolution Name Name of Father
1 Father of Blue Revolution in India Hiralal Chaudhari & Dr.Arun Krishnan.
2 Father of Brown Revolution in India Hiralal Chaudhri
3 Father of Golden Revolution in India Nirpakh Tutej
4 Father of Green Revolution in India M.S.Swaminathan
5 Father of Induced Breeding Prof.Hirlal Chaudri.
6 Father of Pink Revolution in India Durgesh Patel.
7 Father of Red Revolution in India Vishal Tewari.
8 Father of Silver Revolution in India Indira Gandhi.
9 Father of White Revolution in India Verghese Kurien.
10 Father of Yellow Revolution in India Sam Pitroda
11 Milk Man of India Verghese Kurien.


 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ): Father of different Branches

Q. Who is called the parent of modern science?

Ans- Galileo Galilei is called the parent of modern science.

Q. Who is the father of mathematics?

Ans- Archimedes is the father of mathematics.

Q. Who is the first father of cell biology?

Ans- George Emil Palade is the first father of cell biology.

Q. Who is the first father of chemistry?

Ans- Antoine Lavoisier is the first father of chemistry

Q. Who is the father of botany in India?

Ans-William Roxburgh is called the Father of Indian Botany

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I am Arati Nayak. I like to share knowledge for students and Aspirants to make everything easy, clear, and unique.

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