A to Z Computer Full Form PDF Download

Dear Aspirants, Many computer-related words we use in our daily life or in our study but we do not know the full form of all computer-related words, Banking Full forms, and many more full forms. Here all the important A to Z Computer Full form or computer abbreviations are given in detail with alphabetical Order which is very useful for all.

Also we provide computer full form list pdf which easy to study for Aspirants and helpful for all competitive examination.

Table of Contents

List of Computer Full form

1GL – First-Generation Programming Language

2GL – Second-Generation Programming Language

3GL – Third-Generation Programming Language

4GL- Fourth Generation Programming Language

5GL -Fifth Generation Programming Language

286 – Intel 80286 processor

386 – Intel 80386 processor

486 – Intel 80486 processor

Computer Fullform(A)

AAT –Average  Access Time

AA –Anti Aliasing

AAC –Advanced  Audio Coding

ABC – Atanasoft  Berry Computer

ABCL – Actor-Based Concurrent Language

ABI – Application Binary Interface

ABR – Auto Baud-Rate detection

AC- Alternating Current

ACE – Advanced Computing Environment .

ACID – Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability

ACL – Access Control List

ACM – Association for Computing Machinery

AD – Active Directory

AD -Administrative Domain

ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converter

ADO -ActiveX Data Objects

ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

ADT – Abstract Data Type

AE – Adaptive Equalizer

AES – Advanced Encryption Standard

AH Active Hub

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AL – Active Link

ALGOL – Algorithmic Language.

ALSA – Advanced Linux Sound Architecture

ALU – Arithmetic and Logical Unit

AM – Active Monitor

AMD – Advanced Micro Devices

AMR – Audio Modem Riser

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

AOE – ATA over Ethernet

APCI – Application-Layer Protocol Control Information

API – Application Programming Interface

APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing

ARP-Address Resolution Research

ARPA – Advanced Research Projects Agency

ARPANET -Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

AS – Access Server

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASM – Algorithmic State Machine

ASP – Application Service Provider

ASR – Asynchronous Signal Routine

AST – Abstract Syntax Tree

AT – Advanced Technology

ATA – Advanced Technology Attachment

ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AVC – Advanced Video Coding

AVI – Audio Video Interleaved

AWT – Abstract Window Toolkit

Computer Fullform(B)

BAL – Basic Assembly Language

BASIC – Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BBP – Baseband Processor

BBS – Bulletin Board System

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal

BEEP – Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol

BER – Bit Error Rate

BFD – Binary File Descriptor

BFS – Breadth-First Search

BGP – Border Gateway Protocol

bin – binary

BINAC – Binary Automatic Computer

BIOS – Basic Input Output System

bit – Binary digit

Blob – Binary large object

Blog – Web Log

BOOTP – Bootstrap Protocol

bps – bits per second

BRR – Business Readiness Rating

BSA – Business Software Alliance

BT – Bluetooth

BTAM – Basic Telecommunications Access Method

BW – Bandwidth

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

Computer Fullform(C)

CA – Certificate Authority

CAD – Computer-Aided Design

CAE – Computer-Aided Engineering

CAI – Computer Aided Instruction

CAM – Computer-Aided Manufacturing

CAT – Computer-Aided Translation

CAQ  –  Computer-Aided Quality Assurance

CASE – Computer-Aided Software Engineering

CAPTCHA-Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Human Apart

cc – C Compiler

CD – Compact Disc

CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access

CD-R – CD -Recordable

CD-ROM – CD  Read-Only Memory

CD-RW –CD -Rewritable

CF – Compact Flash

CG – Computer Graphics

CGA – Color Graphics Array

CGI – Common Gateway Interface

CGI – Computer-Generated Imagery

CHAP – Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol

CIDR – Classless Inter-Domain Routing

CIFS – Common Internet File system

CIM – Common Information Model

CLI – Command Line Interface

CLR – Common Language Runtime

CM – Configuration Management

CM – Content Management

CMOS – Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

CMS – Content Management System

CN – Common Name

CNC – Computer Numerical Control

COBOL – Common Business-Oriented Language

COM – Component Object Model

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CRT – Cathode Ray Tube

CRUD – Create, Read, Update and Delete

CS – Computer Science

CSE  – Computer Science and Engineering

CSI – Common System Interface

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

CSV – Comma-Separated Values

CT – Computerized Tomography

CTCP – Client-To-Client Protocol

CTI – Computer Telephony Integration

CTL – Computational Tree Logic

CTS – Clear To Send

CU – Central Unit

CUA – Common User Access

Computer Abbreviations/Computer Fullform(D)

DAC – Digital-To-Analog Converter

DAO – Data Access Objects

DAO – Disk-At-Once

DAP – Directory Access Protocol

DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DAT – Digital Audio Tape

DB – Database

DBA – Database Administrator 

DBMS – Database Management System

DCC – Direct Client-to-Client

DCCP – Datagram Congestion Control Protocol

DCL – Data Control Language

DCMI – Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

DD – Double Density

DDL- Data Definition Language

DDR – Double Data Rate

DES – Data Encryption Standard

dev – Development

DFA – Deterministic Finite Automaton

DFD – Data Flow Diagram

DFS – Depth-First Search

DFS – Distributed File System

DHTML – Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language

DIP – Dual In-line Package

DIVX – Digital Video Express

DL – Download

DLL – Dynamic Link Library

DLP – Digital Light Processing

DMA – Direct Memory Access

DML – Definitive Media Library

DND – Drag and Drop

DNS – Domain Name System

DOM – Document Object Model

DOS – Disk Operating System

DP – Dot Pitch

DPI –  Dots Per Inch

DPMI – DOS Protected Mode Interface

DPMS – Display Power Management Signaling

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DR-DOS – Digital Research – Disk Operating System

DSDL – Document Schema Definition Languages

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

DSL – Domain Specific Language

DSN – Database Source Name

DSP – Digital Signal Processor

DSSSL – Document Style Semantics and Specification Language

DTD – Document Type Definition

DTE – Data Terminal Equipment

DTP – Desktop Publishing

DVD – Digital Versatile Disc

DVD – Digital Video Disc

DVD-R – DVD-Recordable

DVD-ROM – DVD-Read Only Memory

DVD-RW – DVD-Rewritable

DVI – Digital Visual Interface

DVR – Digital Video Recorder

Computer Fullform(E)

EAI – Enterprise Application Integration

EAP – Extensible Authentication Protocol

ECOS – Embedded Configurable 0perating System

EDA – Electronic Design Automation

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDO – Extended Data Out

EDSAC -Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

EEPROM-Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

EFI- Extensible Firmware Interface

EGA – Enhanced Graphics Array

eID electronic ID card

ELF – Executable and Linkable Format

email – Electronics Mail

ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

EOF – End of File

EOL – End of Line

EOM – End of Message

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read only Memory

ERP – Enterprise Resource Flaming

EUC – Extended Unix Code

EULA – End User License Agreement

EXE – Executable

EXT -Extended file system

Computer Fullform(F)

FAP – FORTRAN Assembly Program

FAT – File Allocation Table

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

FAX-Far Away Xerox

FCB – File Control Block

FCS – Frame Check Sequence

FDC – Floppy Disk Controller

FDD – Floppy Disk Drive

FDMA – Frequency Division Multiple Access

FET – Field Effect Transistor

FHS – Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

FIFO – First In First Out

FL – Function Level

FLAC -Free Lossless Audio Codec

FLOPS – Floating Point Operations Per Second

FOSI -Formatted Output Specification Instance

FOSS – Free and Open Source Software


FP – Function Programming

FPS -Floating Point Systems

FS – File System

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

FXP – File exchange Protocol

Computer Fullform(G)

Gb – Gigabit

GB – Gigabyte

GCR – Group Code Recording

GDI – Graphics Device Interface

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

GIGO – Garbage in, Garbage Out

GIS – Geographic Information System

GLUT – OpenGL Utility Toolkit

GML – Geography Markup Language

GPS-Global Positioning System

GPU – Graphics Processing Unit

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications

GUI – Graphical User Interface

GWT – Google Web Toolkit

Computer Fullform(H)

HAL -Hardware Abstraction Layer

HBA – Host Bus Adapter

HCI – Human Computer Interaction

HD – High Density

HDD – Hard Disk Drive

HCL – Hardware Compatibility List

HD DVD – High Definition DVD

HDL – Hardware Description Language

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface

HF – High Frequency

HHD – Hybrid Hard Drive

HID -Human Interface Device

HIG – Human Interface Guidelines

HIRD – Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth

HMA – High Memory Area

HP – Hewlett Packard

HPC –High Performance Computing

HPFS –  High Performance File System

HTC – High Throughput Computing

HTM –  Hierarchical Temporal Memory

HTML – Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPd – Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon

HTX –  Hyper Transport  expansion

HURD – Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons

HVD – Holographic Versatile Disc

Hz –  Hertz

Computer Fullform(I)

IBM – International Business Machines

IC – Integrated Circuit

ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICE – In Circuit Emulator

ICE – Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics

ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol

ICP –  Internet Cache Protocol

ICT –  Information & Communication Technology

IDE – Integrated Development Environment

IDE –  Integrated Drive Electronics

IDF – Intermediate Distribution Frame

IDL – Interface Definition Language

IDS – Intrusion Detection System

IE – Internet Explorer

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IGRP – Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

IHV – Independent Hardware Vendor

IIOP – Internet Inter-Orb Protocol

IIS- Internet Information Services

IL – Intermediate Language

IM – Instant Messaging

IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

IME – Input Method Editor

INFOSEC – Information Systems Security

I/0 – Input/ Output

IP – Internet Protocol

IPC – Inter-Process Communication

IPL  – Initial Program Load

IPO – Inter Procedural Optimization

IPP – Internet Printing Protocol

IPS – Intrusion Prevention System

IPsec – Internet Protocol security

IPTV – Internet Protocol Television

IPX – Internet work Packet Exchange

IRC – Internet Relay Chat

IRP – I/O Request Packet

IRQ – Interrupt Request

IS – Information Systems

ISA – Industry Standard Architecture

ISC – Internet Storm Center

iSCSI – Internet Small Computer System Interface

ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

ISP – Internet Service Provider

ISR – Interrupt Service Routine

ISV – Independent Software Vendor

IT – Information Technology

ITU – International Telecommunication Union

IVRS – Interactive Voice Response System

Computer Fullform(J)

J2EE – Java 2 Enterprise Edition

J2MB – Java 2 Micro Edition

J2SE – Java 2 Standard Edition

JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding

JAXP – Java API for XML Processing

JCE – Java Cryptography Extension

JCP – Java Community Process

JDBC – Java Database Connectivity

 JDK – Java Development Kit

JDS – Java Desktop System

JFC – Java Foundation Classes

JNI – Java Native Interface

JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group

JS – JavaScript

JSON – Java Script Object Notation

JSP – Jackson Structured Programming

JSP- Java Server Pages

JUG – Java Users Group

JVM – Java Virtual Machine

Computer Fullform(K)

Kb – Kilobit

KB – Kilo byte

KHz – Kilohertz

KM – Knowledge Machine

KRL – Knowledge Representation Language

KVM – Keyboard Video  Mouse

Computer Fullform(L)

LAN – Local Area Network

LBA – Logical Block Addressing

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LED – Light Emitting Diode

LF – Line Feed

LF – Low Frequency

LIF – Low Insertion Force

LIFO – Last In First Out

LISP –  List Processing

LOC – Lines of Code

LSB – Least Significant Bit

LSB – Linux Standard Base

LSI – Large Scale Integration

LTR – Left-to-Right

LUN – Logical Unit Number

LV – Logical Volume

LVD – Low Voltage Differential

LVM – Logical Volume Management

LZW – Lempel-Ziv-Welch

Computer Abbreviations lists

Computer Fullform(M)

MAC – Mandatory Access Control

MAC – Media Access Control

MAN – Metropolitan Area Network

MANET – Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

Mb – Megabit

MB – Megabyte

MBCS – Multi Byte Character Set

MBR -Master Boot Record

MCA -Micro Channel Architecture

MDA – Mail Delivery Agent

MDF -Main Distribution Frame

MDI – Multiple Document Interface

ME – Millennium Edition

MF – Medium Frequency

MFM – Modified Frequency Modulation

MHz – Megahertz 

MICR-Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

MIMO – Multiple input Multiple Output

MIPS -Million Instructions Per Second

MIPS – Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages

MIME –  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MMI – Man Machine Interface

OMR-Optical Mark Reader

MMIO – Memory Mapped I/ O

MMU –  Memory Management Unit

MoBo – Motherboard

MOM – Message Oriented Middleware

MOS – Microsoft Office Specialist

MOSFET – MetaI Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MPU – Microprocessor Unit

MS – Memory Stick

MS –  Microsoft

MSB –  Most Significant Bit

MS DOS – Microsoft DOS

MT –  Machine Translation    

MSDN – Microsoft Developer Network

MSI – Medium Scale Integration

MSI – Message Signaled Interrupt

MSI – Microsoft Installer  

MVS –  Multiple Virtual Storage

MX –  Mail exchange

MXF  -_ Material Exchange Format

Computer Fullform(N)

NaN – Not a Number

NAS-  Network Attached Storage

NAT – Network Address Translation

NCSA – National Center for Supercomputing Applications

NEP – Network Equipment Provider

NetBIOS – Network Basic Input/Output System

NEXT – Near End Cross Talk

NFS  – Network File System

NGSCB – Next Generation Secure Computing Base

NIC – Network Interface Controller

NIO –   New I / O

NLS – Native Language Support

NPU –  Network Processing Unit

NSA – National Security Agency

NOC – Network Operations Center

NOP – No Operation 

NOS – Network Operating System

NSS –  Network Security Services

NSS –  Name Service Switch

NT – New Technology

NTFS – NT Filesystem

NTLM – NT Lan Manager

NTP –  Network Time Protocol

NVR – Network Video Recorder

Computer Fullform(O)

OASIS – Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

OAT – Operational Acceptance Testing

ODBC – Open Data Base Connectivity

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

OLAP –  Online  Analytical Processing

OLE –  Object Linking and Embedding

OLED – Organic Light Emitting Diode

OMF –  Object Module Format

OO – Object Oriented

OOM –  Out Of Memory

OOP –  Object Oriented Programming

OPML –  Outline Processor Markup Language

OS – Operating System

OSI – Open Source Initiative

OSI – Open Systems Interconnection

OSS – Open Sound System

OSS – Open-Source Software

OSS – Operations Support System

OSTG – Open Source Technology Group

OUI – Organizationally Unique Identifier

Computer Fullform(P)

P2P   Peer-To-Peer

PAC – Programmable Automation Controller

PAN – Personal Area Network

PAP –  Password Authentication Protocol

PC – Personal Computer

PCB – Printed Circuit Board

PCB –  Process Control Block

PC DOS – Personal Computer Disk Operating System

PCI  – Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCL –  Printer Command Language

PD –  Public Domain

PDA –  Personal Digital Assistant

PDF –  Portable Document Format

PDP – Programmed Data Processor 

PE – Physical Extents

PERL – Practical Extraction and Reporting Language

PGA –  Pin Grid Array

PIC –  Peripheral Interface Controller

PIC – Programmable Interrupt Controller

PID – Process ID

PLC  – Programmable Logic Controller

PLD –  Programmable Logic Device

PL/ 1  – Programming Language One

PL/ M – Programming Language for Microcomputers

PL/ P  – Programming Language for Prime

PLT –  Power Line Telecoms

PNG – Portable Network Graphics

POE – Power over Ethernet

POID – Persistent Object Identifier

POP – Point of Presence

PPC – Power PC

PPI – Pixels Per Inch

PPP – Point to Point Protocol

PS – PostScript

PSU –  Power Supply Unit

PSVI – Post Schema Validation Infoset

PV – Physical Volume

PVG  – Physical Volume Group

PVR – Personal Video Recorder

Computer Fullform(Q)

QDR -Quad Data Rate

QA  – Quality Assurance

QFP -Quad Flat Package

QOS -Quality of Service

Computer Fullform(R)

RAD – Rapid Application Development

RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RAID — Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAM –  Random Access Memory 

RARP – Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RAS -Remote Access Service

RC –  Run Commands

RDBMS –  Relational Data Base Management System

RDF –  Resource Description Framework

RDOS –  Real-time Disk Operating System

RDS – Remote Data Services

REFAL –  Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language

RF –  Radio Frequency

RFI –  Radio Frequency Interference

RGB – Red, Green, Blue

RIP –  Raster Image Processor

RIP –  Routing Information Protocol

ROM  – Read Only Memory

ROMB –  Read-Out Motherboard

RPG – Report Program Generator

RSS –  Radio Service Software

RSS –  Rich Site Summary

RTAI – ReaI Time Application Interface

RTC – Real Time Clock

RTL – Right to Left

RTOS   -Real Time Operating System

RTP  – Real time Transport Protocol

RTS – Ready To Send

RTSP-Real Time Streaming Protocol.

                     Computer Fullform(S)

SaaS –   Software as a Service

SAN  – Storage Area Network

SATA –  Serial ATA

SAX – Simple API for XML

SBP- Serial Bus Protocol

SBU-Standard Build Unit

SCID –  Source Code in Database .

SCM –  Software Configuration Management

SCM – Source Code Management

SCP –  Secure Copy

SCSI  – Small Computer System Interface

SCTP  – Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SD –  Secure Digital

SDK –  Software Development Kit 

SDN –  Service Delivery Network

SDR – Software Defined Radio

SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access  Memory

SDSL – Symmetric DSL 

SEO -Search Engine Optimization

SPM – Software project management

SMB –  Server Message Block

 SMBIOS – System Management BIOS

SMP  – Symmetric Multi-Processing

SMS –   Short Message Service

SMS –  System Management Server

SMTP  – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SOA  – Service-Oriented Architecture 

SOE –  Standard Operating Environment

SP –  Service Pack

SQL –  Structured Query Language

SRAM  – Static Random Access Memory

SSD – Software Specification Document

SSD  – Solid-State Drive

SSL –  Secure Socket Layer

SVD  – Structured VLSI Design

SWF – Shock Wave Flash 

SWT  – Standard Widget Toolkit

Computer Fullform(T)

TAO – Track-At-Once.

TB – Tera Byte

Tcl –  Tool Command Language

TCP –  Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP  -Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol

TCU – Telecommunication Control Unit

TDMA -Time Division Multiple Access

TRON – Trace On

TRS DOS – Tandy Radio Shack  Dusk Operating System

TTF  – TrueType Font  

TTL- Transistor Transistor Logic

TTL –  Time To Live

TTS –  Text to Speech

TTY – Teletype

Computer Fullform(U)

UAC – User Account Control

UAT  – User Acceptance Testing

UCS –  Universal Character Set

UDP –  User Datagram Protocol

UI – User Interface

UL –  Upload

UMA – Upper Memory Area

UMB –  Upper Memory Block

UMPC –  Ultra Mobile Personal Computer

UNC  – Universal Naming Convention

UPS  – Uninterruptible Power Supply

URI  – Uniform Resource Identifier

URL –  Uniform Resource Locator

URN – Uniform Resource Name

USB – Universal Serial Bus

usr –  user

UUID –  Universally Unique Identifier

UUN – Universal User Name

UVC –   Universal Virtual Computer

Computer Fullform(V)

var –   Variable

VCPI – Virtual control Program Interface

VB  – Virtual Reality

VB – Visual Basic

VBS – Visual Basic Script 

VDSL –  Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line

VFAT –  Virtual FAT

VFS –  Virtual File System

VG – Volume Group

VGA – Video Graphics Array

VHF – Very High Frequency

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

VLSM – Variable Length Subnet Mask

VLF – Very Low Frequency

VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration

VM – Virtual Machine

VM – Virtual Memory

VNC  – Virtual Network Computing

VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol

VPN – Virtual Private Network

VPU – Visual Processing Unit

VSAT – Very Small Aperture Terminal

VT – Video Terminal

Computer Fullform(W)

W3C – World Wide Web Consortium

WAFS – Wide Area File Services

WAI – Web Accessibility Initiative

WAIS – Wide Area Information Server

WAN – Wide Area Network

WAP – Wireless Access Point

WAP – Wireless Application Protocol

WDM –  Wavelength Division Multiplexing

WEP –  Wired Equivalent Privacy

WFI  – Wait For Interrupt

WiFi –  Wireless Fidelity

WINS –  Windows Internet Name Service

WLAN –  Wireless Local Area Network

WMA – Windows Media Audio

WMV –  Windows Media Video

WOL –  Wake-on-LAN

WOM –  Wake on-Modem

WOR –  Wake-on-Ring

WPA –  Wi-Fi Protected Access

WPAN –  Wireless Personal Area Network

WSFL –  Web Services Flow Language

WUSB –  Wireless Universal Serial Bus

WWAN- Wireless Wide Area Network

WWID –  World Wide Identifier

WWN –  World Wide Name

WWW – World Wide Web

WZC –  Wireless Zero Configuration                               

Computer Fullform(X)

XAG –  XML Accessibility Guidelines

XAML  – Extensible Application Markup Language

XCBL –  XML Common Business Library

XMS –  Extended Memory Specification

XNS –  Xerox Network Systems

XP – Extreme Programming

XPCOM –  Cross Platform Component Object Model

XPI – XPInstall

XSLT  – extensible Style sheet Language Transformations

XSS -Cross-Site Scripting

XUL -XML User Interface Language

XVGA – Extended Video Graphics Adapter

Computer Fullform(Y)

Y2K –  Year Two Thousand

Computer Fullform(Z)

ZCS – Zero Code Suppression

ZIF – Zero Insertion Force

ZIP-Zone Information Protocol

ZIPS – Zero Insertion Force Socket

ZISC – Zero Instruction Set Computer

ZOI- Zero One Infinity

Computer Full form PDF Download

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I am Arati Nayak. I like to share knowledge for students and Aspirants to make everything easy, clear, and unique.

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